Sunday, June 12, 2016

10 Major Weightloss & Dieting Tips

I've been working towards this for awhile now, but I want to share my adventure with everyone and even give away a few tips and tricks. At the end of it I will be sharing my diet plan with you & believe me it's definitely going to be affordable. Before I share my exercise plan for the day... Here are a few of the tips that I've been wanting to give out regarding exercise and dieting:
  1. Calorie Reduction: Now, before going through with this you're going to need to use a BMI calculator. This is an online resource that allows you to find out whether or not your current weight is healthy, and it often times allows you to discover your ideal calorie intake. By going to and typing in all of your information, (Don't worry, it's anonymous) you will now have a number to start out with as well as an ideal goal weight in mind. It's a very useful tool, but do remember to read through everything carefully. You don't want to end up missing any of the valuable information that the BMI calculator has to offer.
  2. Healthy Eating: Even though Calorie Reduction may seem like it's working, and you don't feel like it's necessary to eat healthy as well... That will likely end up biting you in the ass towards the middle of your journey. If your body gets used to eating junk food every day, then you won't have any nutritious foods that help boost your metabolism and burn more fat. Adding in a healthy diet will also increase your energy rate and decrease that lethargic feeling that you've been having.
  3. Drink lots of water: This one is extremely important! I can't stress this enough... You NEED to drink the right amount of water each day. It isn't just about weight loss. Water is important when it comes to nearly every part of our body. Your brain is sitting in a sack of fluid right now. If you don't make it a priority to hydrate your body then that sack becomes depleted and your brain knocks up against your skull which causes dizziness, and bad headaches. If you would like to stay healthy, and find out exactly how much water is enough... Then don't worry. I have just the formula for you to use. Current Body Weight ÷ 2 = # of Ounces you should be consuming on a daily basis. I recommend getting a 1L water bottle to help you keep track of how much you have been drinking. 1 Ounce = .03 L So if you need 65 ounces of water each day, then that would be about 2 L of water. The average plastic water bottle measures out to be a little over half of a Liter.
  4. Garcinia Cambogia: I know that dieting pills aren't for everyone, and you really shouldn't be using them for a long period of time... But this is a natural supplement that supplies a boost in your metabolism and it allows you to lose weight a lot quicker. I know that it's hard to find the actual FDA approved Garcinia Cambogia, but I've found out that even the knock-off stuff works pretty good. I got mine for around $10 at Walmart and I've been burning fat a lot quicker than I had been in the past... You can buy it by clicking here or you can go to your local Walmart and get what I've been using... It doesn't make much of a difference.
  5. Exercise: Personally, I favor Jillian Michaels' workout DvDs and a lot of other types of exercise on top of that because I find that it's best to switch up your routine so that your body doesn't get used to doing the same old thing every day. I will be posting about my weight loss routine & keeping you guys updated on what I do for exercise, dieting, breaking down barriers, curing cravings, etc...  
  6. Vanilla Ice Cream: If you feel like you NEED to have something to reward yourself or kick those sugar cravings then I recommend going for a small bowl of vanilla ice cream (While still counting calories). The reason why is because it's an easy and quick fix that helps burn fat when combined with certain foods & it's on the military diet. If you would like to try the military diet then click here. If you find that it is too much of a hassle to gather up all of those ingredients or it's beyond your budget then click here to find great substitutes for each meal within the diet. I have never experienced it but I know a couple of people who have and they lost nearly 10 pounds within 3-5 days.
  7. Yoga: This is a great strengthening exercise that also involves a bit of cardio if you find the right video to watch. I use Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. You start with level one and then move onto level two. It's on youtube so you don't have to go out and buy the DvD.
  8. Keeping a Picture Diary: If it's hard to get you motivated, or if you just enjoy tracking your personal progress then this tip will be helpful for you. Start by taking a full body picture on day one and take a new photo each week. I keep my photos right in a file on my phone and it's fun to flip through and notice how well I am doing so far... I've also noticed my set backs though, so this method assists in getting you back on track because you will look at it and realize that you're not where you want to be yet and it's time to turn it up a notch. It's a good idea to wear the same clothes, and take the photos in the same area because it's less of a distraction when you're trying to focus on the progress in your photos. Plus, we all know how certain outfits are designed to make us look a lot skinnier than we are such as shorts with a loose band around the waist and bras that keep all eyes up there. Haha Just try to keep the photos as similar as possible, or by taking a before and after photo you will get nearly the same effect.
  9. Cute Workout Clothes: It really does help when you're able to go out and buy something with a pop of color, or a comfy fit before you start your journey. I can't really explain it but in some ways I guess that buying something useful & new makes you excited to get out there and use it so having new workout clothes gives off the same vibes which would assist you in many ways. is a good place to shop, or Walmart. They have equally cute clothes but one is less expensive than the other. I don't want you to think that you have to go out and spend a shit ton of money. Losing weight and feeling good about yourself is & should be affordable for everyone.
  10. Music: YouTube is my favorite place to go for my workout music because it's easy and free. All you have to do is start an account and make a playlist. You can add any video that you want and it will choose the next song for you so that you don't have to go back to your laptop or phone every 3-4 minutes to choose a new song. I'm not going to tell you that you have to listen to a certain type of music because everyone is different. Listen to whatever keeps you pumped and motivated. If it's a sad song that helped you get through a rough patch in your life then so be it. Do what makes you happy!